Friday, March 19, 2010

An On-Going Collection of Pawpawty Avs

UPDATE ~ I decide it would be easier for folks to see if  I moved this post from January to the top. So from time to time, I'll bring it forward.

I decided it would be fun to save all the pawpawty avs in on place. So check back from time to time to see what's been added.

 First is my regular av that I use for "everyday" ~

My Dance Hall Girl from Dudefest Jan 16-17th 2010 
 She was over at the Cookie Saloon!

Of course, this was my real twitter #dudefest av !
Groucho, the ultimate Dude!

     ...snicker...This is so Me!                                                        My Av for the Viva Wag Vegas Pawpawty  ~ Jan 22-23rd 2010


Well, I just had to keep my Wag Vegas av, but first on Monday the 1st I added a Rusty twibbon, and then on Tuesday a Shorty Team Anipal twibbon that @BrewskieButt put together, and then I turned it all orange on the 3rd with the Leukemia Twibbon. So, since I could no longer stand up from all the weight of the Twibbons for the #shortypawpawty on Thursday the 4th I did this!..snicker...

I think I'm gonna have to use this one again the night of the Shorty awards when our own BZTAT, FrugalDougal's mom, and YodatheDog's mom all meet in NewYork to collect their awards!!

Here's my Valentine's Day avs!

This is the one I used during the week before and to start the #TeddyOlympics on Feb 13th & 14th ~

This one was for the RudyTKat pawty on Feb 13th, and Valentine's Day itself!

This one is for the 2010 Anipal Winter Olympic Games ~ February 20th and 21st!

Oh, March was such fun!

The first pawty of the month was @BorisKitty's #SciFiPawty.
We all started early trying on different avs.

This was my first one, Muttley Pass anyone? And for anyone that didn't get a chance to see it, or wants another Pan Galactic Gargle Blaster,  here's the link to The Cookie Cafe at the End of the Universe

And for the pawty on March 13th, I just had to have this one. While LOTR is technically fantasy more than SciFi, my favorite character of all time is Eowyn, the White Lady of Rohan. So I just had to be her! 
Next we all got dressed for St Patrick's Day.
 And since the following weekend was the First Anniversary of the Pawpawties, many of us stayed green all week long! 

A wee little Leprechaun dog!

This is my St Paw's Day av for the 1st Anniversary St Paw's Day #pawpawty on March 20-21st. It is so hard to believe it's been a year, but it has been a great year, and I hope we have many more just like it!

April 2010

PEEP!...snicker...(Easter was April 4th)

On April 10 @Niqqi and @SmokeyPoodle put together the #Area51 Adventure. We were all on a rescue mission to rescue Dogga.Who it turns out was actually Laika, the Russian dog to first orbit the Earth. Seems her capsule was recovered by aliens! But in some weird time warp thing, the aliens crashed near Area51 almost 50 years later!
All the anipals were divided into teams to rescue Dogga. I was on the stealthteam and we had an invisibilty cloak and the ability to travel thru time.So I had a bunch of different avs I was going to use...until the aliens knocked out my power and I could only add a few more tweets from my phone. Dogga was rescued, and everyone had a great time!
Next on the 17th and 18th was #carniepawty. Put together by @BadAndy_KityKat to celebrate April anipal birthdays. If you haven't already gone to Andy's blog for the pawty it is a must see!
Our official pawpawty on the 24th and 25th this month was #chickfest. I just couldn't resist coming as the hottest chick ever   ~  Mrs. Peel!
May 2010

First pawty in May was a Cinco da Mayo celebration for @kittehboi's sister Chilipepper's Birthday. It was a very festive #chilipawty!
Next was the Pajama Pawty on the 14th. it was put on by BarkWorld Expo in celebration of their up-coming Pet Blogger's conference in Atlanta this summer. The shelter #bwpjpawty helped was A Chance for Bliss
Then our "official" pawpawty was themed Paw's Kitchen and was held on the 22nd and 23rd. Everyone came dressed as chef's or food. Some of the "food" anipals got nibbled on! Our charity was North West English Springer Spaniel Rescue in the UK

Keep checking back to see next months avs!


  1. Heehee, if you got married, you could wear a Vera Wag wedding dress!!

    I like your avatars, very good idea!
