Monday, March 15, 2010

Thank You,Thank You, Thank You Kolo Martin!

As many of you know Kolo Martin had another animal adoption drawing. This time it was to adopt an animal at the Amazon World Zoo Park on the Isle of Wright where Kolo lives.

Guess what? I won!! I'm so excited! Now I get to pick an animal to adopt! I wanted this one...

But Kolo assures me that they don't have any Aliens, Alien Baboons,or even Baboons because they are just a small zoo with a little over 200 animals.

So I have decided on a little more convention type of animal, a turtle!

Thanks to Kolo, I'll get an adoption certificate and a newsletter from the Zoo. This is another wonderful way to help animals, and I hope you all enter Kolo's next contest for a chance to adopt an animal!
Big HUGS to you Kolo! Thanks again!

~ Dolly


  1. Sorry they don't have any aliens and you know you can't have me cos my person couldn't do without me but a turtle they are lovely and I will visit them and tell them all about you.

  2. Congratulations - dat is a pawsome prize to win. Now you have to take a trip and visit the little guy soon!

  3. How COOL! (I would've chosen the alien baboon too - if they had one..) Congrats!

  4. That's really cool! I didn't know that he was having contests like that. Congrats on your turtle adoption!

  5. what??!!
    I dont get it.
    a turtle is your new family member??
